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NA-MIC Project Weeks

Back to Projects List IGT module tutorial blog development

Key Investigators

Project Description

  1. Finalize IGT module development blog
  2. Present and get feedback on a IGT module development blog.


  1. Finalize the blog.
  2. Get and apply feedback

Approach and Plan

  1. Describe the general architecture of Slicer and bring together all the required resources for developing a Slicer IGT module. This includes providing video tutorial examples, skeleton code, and clear written descriptions.
  2. Develop an easy to navigate blog.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. This blog is now completed, achieving all afforementioned objectives.
  2. This blog is currently available online at http://computerassistedsurgery.robarts.ca.
  3. Moving forward, this website will be hosted as part of the Slicer documentation.
  4. The blog will become more general, including tutorials on other topics.